Updated 26 December 2014


Computer reconstructed image of Nefertiti - from her skull (left) and Joanne Fletcher, who found her body

Speak the name of the dead, and they shall find eternity - Book Of The Dead
(Nefertiti's skull was disfigured to prevent her speaking her name to the Gods)


Modern Day Pyramids with the rapidly expanding city of Cairo almost at their feet. Whether by accident or design, they mirror the Belt of Orion.

Sept 2013: Like all history, discoveries supercede discoveries almost daily. It is now believed that there remains, hidden under the ever shifting sands, another 70% of Ancient Egypt, waiting for archeologists to unearth it. Who knows what untold riches and answers lies beneath the sand. The discovery of tomb K63 is a perfect example. The whole of both banks of the Nile, in Egypt, is probably buried towns tombs and temples.

Tutankhamun One of the most amazing stories in Egyptology. The unknown boy king who became the most famous of all the Pharaohs.  Howard Carter's diaries are linked from this page.  Startling revelations about secret papyri and The Exodus! Theories abound aboyut his death, from murder to mosquito, most likely is death from infection to broken leg as he was injured racing a chariot.
Howard Carter He discovered the Tomb of Tutankhamun - His Diaries
Heracleion The Egyptian seaport of Heracleion, discovered in 2000 AD
Moses Who was he? What really happened in the Exodus? Archaeologists have found where the 10 Commandments were written and supposedly handed down by god to Moses on the present Egyptian - Israeli border. And it was not Mt Sinai.

King Scorpion

0 Dynasty - 3150 B.C. to 3050 B.C.

It was originally thought that Scorpion King was ruler in Upper Egypt only. Archaeologists have discovered new evidence, in the desert, of the probable burial place of King Scorpion, who lived 1800 years before Tutankhamun, and 500 years before the first Pharaoh. His burial "house", hidden in the sand, contained vases of beer and wine and marked with his "mark"; also found were small ivory squares marked with an early form of hieroglyphic and indicated where a particular tribute came from. An example was a stork and a seat. Bah + Set = Bahset, a large market town that existed on the Upper Nile not far from the current Delta region. King Scorpion was a warrior king and united upper and lower Egypt by conquest. The famous Scorpion Mace depicts hanging birds and banners around the top, this symbolised conquered regions.


November 2008: Channel 5 (UK) has been running a most interesting series entitled Secrets of Egypt. This weeks episode was about King Scorpion. The revelations it threw up have rewritten the history of ancient Egypt. For many decades, historians believed that writing originated in Mesopotamia. This is now known to be false, it was in Egypt, 500 years before the first Pharaoh. In 1898, James Quibell unearthed a ceremonial stone macehead at Hierakonpolis in southern Egypt. It was carved with the figure of a man who bore all the signs of being a Pharaoh: a Rosette next to his head, and a Scorpion. Quibell read this as the name, ‘King Scorpion’. Yet no Scorpion appeared on any of the ancient lists of Egyptian Pharaohs; only the style of the macehead was similar to previous finds from the first dynasty of Pharaohs. Quibell concluded that he had found a local king from an era before the first Pharaohs united the whole of Egypt. But this raised an exciting new possibility, turning on its head a common assumption of the time: that the Pharaohs were foreign invaders from the East, who introduced their more advanced civilization to North Africa. If there was a King who predated the first dynasty this would change the entire face of Egyptian history.

Watch it here

More than a hundred years later, modern archaeologist Dr John Darnell discovered an ancient inscription carved on a rock face in the desert landscape of Southern Egypt, west of the River Nile. Depicting a procession of human and animal figures, it revealed the image of a Falcon above a Scorpion - a remarkable echo of Quibell’s earlier find. Darnell believes he has discovered the name of the same King Scorpion, and that the procession carved into the rockface records a major event in his life. A kingly figure leads a bound prisoner in what looks like a scene of military victory. Darnell interpreted this as the celebration of a decisive battle in King Scorpion’s rise to power, uniting the cities of Southern Egypt under his kingship.

The search for King Scorpion has revealed a man who was a pivotal figure in the creation of Ancient Egypt. He organised his kingdom with the world’s earliest phonetic writing system, and began a new style of burial that may have inspired the complex tombs and pyramids of the Pharaohs. Now at last experts are discovering the true origins of ancient Egypt, and the remarkable legacy of the Scorpion King. Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, features in the programme in which he authenticates much of the findings and speaks most authoritively on a subject so very dear to his own heart.

Akhenaten (formerly Amenhotep) and Nefertiti with two daughters sculpured in the Armana style

On November 10th 2009 I paid a visit to the Egyptian section of Birmingham Museum

3 canopic jars and a jackal headed false jar in left image 

A stele but in greek (?) and a drawing of an offering

Part of a crown and a small shrine

(3) Isis. Ideal mother and patron of nature & magic. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans, the downtrodden, as well as listening to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats and rulers.   Right: stele of a loving wife and husband

Stele and a small shrine

Small Throne, probably on which sat a pharaoh or god. Glass bottles

A child's sandle's and the same right next to an adult pair

Pharaoh rings, the front gold one belonged to Nefertiti

Egyptian Exhibition Birmingham 2012

Amenhotep III

Amon Ra

Battle Scene. Showing fallen Asiatics from the mortuary temple of King Nephepetra Montuhotep at Dier-el-Bahri Thebes. 11th Dynasty

Psusennes 1

Aswan - Temples of Philae

Part of the Book of the Dead

Model of a House probably childs toy

Rameses II
Rameses IX


Sekhmet I


an official, Tjayasetimu


Tuthmoses III

Tuthmoses IV


Egyptology web sites:

http://www.drhawass.com/ Modern Day 'hero' of mine, father of antiquity in Egypt.




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